Pop in Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 7PM EST to gain a deeper “understanding of the you in you! The Power of PROGENY nonprofit (POP) will present “Understanding the You in You": Implicit Bias workshop for the Race and Reconciliation Group in Rock Hill, SC. During this workshop, attendees will understand & examine implicit bias and our points of privilege through an interactive and engaging workshop. Participants will also learn how to counteract day-to-day interactions of implicit bias. There will be an opportunity for cross-generational discussions in order to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Therefore, please invite individuals 8 years old and up to join the workshop. Come join us to learn more about yourself and others during this awesome workshop.

Prior to the workshop, check out implicit bias quizzes at
https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html. If you have a chance before the meeting, please take the race quiz and at least one other quiz of your choice to learn more about yourself. Remember, the results are only for your personal information and not something you will be asked to share.
Click on the QR code on the flyer, or use the following Zoom link to join the conversation:
https://winthrop-edu.zoom.us/j/84169455227?pwd=MXpEaHd4K291WGZyd1lHTkpkRzJnQT09&from=addon Meeting ID: 841 6945 5227 Passcode: 780001
Feel free to share the Zoom meeting link with friends and family. Share through your inbox or through private messages. We hope to see you there!
POP’S Mission: Power of PROGENY (Pioneers Reaching Out for the Greater Elevation of Our Nation's Youth) (POP) is a nonprofit organization that encourages individuals to embrace our diverse world and to transform the world through the power of progeny: a unique sense of personal identity, perspectives, background, and self.
How do we support our mission? For over 18 Years, PROGENY advisors have created safe spaces and brave spaces for students to learn and explore the cultures of the world while learning about themselves. Power of PROGENY board members and DEI experts share their knowledge through events, workshops, curriculum, instructional materials, panel discussions, and excursions and experiences within their schools and communities.
Please partner with POP to be a sponsor, so that we can continue to bring these meaningful programs and workshops to people of all ages and to provide curriculum, ambassador programs, and workshops to school age children 8-18 years old. https://www.powerofprogeny.com/sponsor-pop
Do you want to start a POP DEI/Social justice club at your school, church, or community organization? Simply apply here to start a chapter: https://www.powerofprogeny.com/start-chapter
Do you know a 3rd-11th grader who has leadership capabilities? Here’s your chance to nominate him/her to be a POP star---to be a POP Leadership Ambassador. Simply email the nomination pic below, and ask him/her to apply here or via QR code. Learn more about our POP Ambassador program here: https://www.powerofprogeny.com/student-ambassador-apply

Carlo L. Dawson, Power of PROGENY Executive director & Founder
POP’s motto: Embracing the power of community, the power of diversity, the power of equity, the power of inclusion. Celebrating the power of PROGENY in you!